Sichuan Study Tour
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Study Tour in Sichuan

The Sichuan province possesses Chinese largest Medicinal Herb Base. Sichuanese dishes are among the four most replica horloges famous cuisines in China. That's why Sichuan TCM and culinary tours are some must see! Kungfu of Emei Sect and Qingcheng Sect are hardly known by the world. Sichuan tea and wine are known in China and worldwide. Delicate ancient towns and primitive simplicity of old arcitectures draw out the elegent and cheerful Sichuanese way of life. All best models of uk perfect super clone watches online can be find here.

Tailor-made Sichuan Tour
We specialize in creating customized tours with a dedicated staff of experts waiting to help you plan the perfect vacation. Design your private Sichuan tour and Sichuan trekking here with our help to meet your unique interest without any charge.
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